Inspiration is not easy to come by in today’s global and local upheaval. Global and economic disasters, life’s circumstances and situations can and in most cases are so overwhelming. Do you ever think about quitting? I know many think about it and many have. But what about you? Have you thought about it? Hi, I’m Bendetta Perry. I occasionally speak at inspirational conferences. Recently, I performed a theatrical presentation of a Biblical character about a “Woman with the issue of blood.” She had an ongoing menstrual cycle that lasted 12 years of her life. She spent all of her life’s wages on doctors to resolve the issue, but with no success and her diagnosis became worse. She sought the attention of the Great Physician, a specialist in every field of medicine, Yeshua, also known as, Jesus the Christ.
In those days, the law forbade her from interacting with others in public. Issues we all have some kind of issue, relationship issues, money issues, weight gain issues, discrimination against women issues, and so forth. This woman with the issue of blood flow did not allowed any circumstance to block her from any possibility of hope and resolution to her issue. She pressed through the crowd and reached out for help. Her persistence paid off. Her issue miraculously dried up.
Often, giving up seems to be the solution to many of life’s difficult challenges. We all have life issues and seeking resolution. Reach out for help. But never give up. I remember being overwhelmed after the death of my husband and I wrote a recipe for not giving up on your dreams. “Unlimited Measurements” abounding in perseverance, determination, conquering fears, renewed mind, dedication, forgiving past failures, freedom to dream, embracing your future with hope. Now with a hungry appetite to succeed bring all the ingredients before you and with no limits measure each ingredient one step at a time in your life. Soon, you will feel a rising within the depths of your spirit that will cause you to push, push, and push towards your future. Never Give Up!!!