My Sweetest Thanksgiving!

As a little girl the holidays always seemed like magic to me. It was always filled with the most amazing fragrances, and the atmosphere was always euphoric. The food was always amazing and delicious, it seemed as if everything was absolutely perfect. For me it was always filled with a sweetness, that family came from near and far to share the Holiday Season. It was a time of catching up with friends and relatives, and laughter seemed to fill the air. There were moments of sadness as we all embraced the reflection and memory of a relative or friend that had past on, their presence was surely missed. We would all muse in the fact that God is Good All the Time and it was a blessing just to be together and that life is to be filled with a heart of thanksgiving.
My first Thanksgiving without my Husband David was somber, until God spoke to me as I sat in the living room alone mired in sadness. His voice was crystal clear. "Why are you sitting here in sadness and despair? Honestly I thought it was obvious. God then said, "There is someone somewhere that wish that they could cook a turkey, and you can! There is someone that wish that they could get out of bed but they are on tubes and a ventilator in a hospital room, there is someone that wish they could see or hear the sounds of thanksgiving, let alone taste the wonderful dishes of a thanksgiving meal. There is someone somewhere that wish they could get in a car and drive to the store in the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, and let alone even have a dollar to spend for a turkey dinner. There is someone that is all alone that wish if only they could be around anyone and do anything. And here you sit with the ability to do all of these things and you sit in your sorrow."
It was like getting hit with a bolt of lightening my spirit was immediately quicken to the fact that "Yes I Can," cook a turkey even if no one was here to eat it, yes I can get in the car and drive to the store, yes I can go and visit friends. The lesson that I learned was to be thankful for all things no matter what it may appear to be. Life is a blessing even in the midst of trials, pain and suffering. I was already blest beyond measure. My cup was already overflowing.
I did indeed do just that, got in my car went to the store, found the perfect turkey, prepared a fantastic meal, invited friends, and the guest of honor was God. It was the best Thanksgiving I ever had, because the greatest gift was "That I Could!"